Flask - Python

Erdoğan Börklü
2 min readAug 31, 2023


Introduction to backend tool!

official Flask logo on flask.palletsprojects.com/

Hey, I want to share what I learn and what I done with Flask. First of all, I want to give some description about web-development in wide view.

So, first it is a lightweight tool for developing interactive web-sites and applications mostly.

Ah, difference between a web-site and an application is based on the interactions between users and the software. In other words, with an application you can interact with other users. But most web-sites cannot. Think about a Content Management System, you put some records and recall when needed. Looks like finding some records in real paper. And also there are some static web-sites. They are mostly not interact-able, like shiny papers with some commercials, banners, bills etc.

First web-sites in the past were static and it means non-interactable. And we will go for the interactable sites. Lets go!

Flask is one of the lightest framework for the web development. And also it is very simple among its league. My motivation to decide to go with Flask is for personal need and it is very easy to understand how web works. It help us to understand how web works, http-https protocols, servers and deployment processes, using other helper tools like git-github and also additional modules, libraries in python with flask.

Our aim in this example project is creating a content management system.

Here are the main goals with this project. And these goals are very important building blocks for our route in web development. So:

  • Pages!

Pages are reach by links. But there are some exceptional pages like 404 pages.

  • self altering titles
  • Template page
  • Forms and side effects…
  • setting favicon
  • Take information from user
  • Recording user information to the Database
  • Users and administration
  • Login — Logout
  • Reset Password

Most of these steps are essential for almost all web applications. And every web framework has its own solution to these steps. But I bet you’ll LOVE Flask.

And also Flask makes you resilient while working other backend frameworks like Django…

See you in next chapter!



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